iOTSON PAINT SHOP -Electrostatic Spray
THINK GREEN and Power Saving

iOTSON PAINT SHOP -Electrostatic Spray – THINK GREEN and Power Saving


Industry 4.0, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is a current trend in manufacturing technology that involves automation and data exchange, utilizing advanced technologies such as IoT, AI, and machine learning. On the other hand, Industry 5.0, the Fifth Industrial Revolution, focuses on creating a more sustainable and human-centered manufacturing environment by building on these technologies. A paint shop that operates as part of Industry 5.0 may incorporate advanced technologies and practices to optimize the coating process, reduce waste, and enhance efficiency. Some of the key features of a paint shop operating as part of Industry 5.0 may include:

  1. Human-centric approach: Industry 5.0 prioritizes the well-being and safety of workers and aims to enhance their working conditions through the use of advanced technologies.
  2. Sustainable practices: A paint shop operating as part of Industry 5.0 is expected to incorporate eco-friendly and sustainable practices to minimize its environmental impact.
  3. Integration of advanced technologies: To improve efficiency, accuracy, and quality, a paint shop may integrate advanced technologies such as robotics, AI, machine learning, and IoT-enabled equipment and systems.
  4. Real-time data monitoring: IoT-enabled sensors can monitor various aspects of the coating process, enabling real-time data analysis, and assisting in decision-making for process improvement.
  5. Predictive maintenance: AI and machine learning can be leveraged to predict equipment failures and reduce downtime by performing predictive maintenance.
  6. Customization: Industry 5.0 encourages customization of products and processes to meet specific customer demands, enabling paint shops to provide unique and tailored coating solutions.

In conclusion, Industry 5.0 takes Industry 4.0 to the next level by focusing on sustainability, human-centered practices, and the integration of advanced technologies in manufacturing. A paint shop operating under this framework has the potential to increase efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance the quality of the coating process, which ultimately benefits both the business and the environment.

At OTSON, we specialize in the manufacturing and design of professional paint shop equipment. Our expertise extends to various industries, including automotive, woodworking, bicycles, glass bottle and metal parts. We understand the unique needs and requirements of each industry and are able to provide customized solutions to meet their specific demands.

Our paint shop equipment is designed to improve efficiency, reduce waste and enhance the quality of the coating process. We use advanced technologies such as Industry 5.0, IoTSON, robotics, AI, and machine learning to create a more human-centered and sustainable manufacturing environment.

One of the latest trends in manufacturing technologies is Industry 5.0, also known as the Fifth Industrial Revolution, which builds on the current trend of automation and data exchange. A paint shop that is designated as part of Industry 5.0 uses advanced technologies and practices to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance the quality of the coating process. This includes IoT-enabled equipment and systems, robotics, AI, and machine learning.

At OTSON, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality paint shop equipment and services. Our team of experts has extensive experience and knowledge in the field and is able to provide support and guidance throughout the entire process, from design to installation and maintenance.

Our focus is to help our customers improve their production efficiency and achieve a high production rate. We are proud to be a professional paint shop equipment manufacturer and are committed to providing our customers with the best possible solutions for their coating needs. With our expertise and use of advanced technologies, we are able to create a more sustainable and human-centered manufacturing environment.

Features List:

  1. Customized solutions: OTSON provides customized solutions for different industries, including automotive, woodworking, bicycles, glass bottle, and metal parts, based on their unique needs and requirements.
  2. Advanced technologies: OTSON uses advanced technologies such as Industry 5.0, IoTSON, robotics, AI, and machine learning to improve the efficiency of the coating process, reduce waste, and create a more human-centered and sustainable manufacturing environment.
  3. High-quality equipment: OTSON is dedicated to providing customers with the highest quality paint shop equipment to achieve a high production rate and improve production efficiency.
  4. Experienced team: OTSON’s team of experts has extensive experience and knowledge in the field, providing support and guidance throughout the entire process, from design to installation and maintenance.
  5. Commitment to customer satisfaction: OTSON is committed to providing customers with the best possible solutions for their coating needs and ensuring their satisfaction.

The production rate of a paint shop factory refers to the amount of paint that the factory is able to produce in a given time period. This will depend on a variety of factors, including the size and capacity of the factory, the efficiency of the production processes, and the availability of raw materials and other resources.

There are a few key considerations that can impact the production rate of a paint shop factory: 

  • Capacity of the mixer room: The capacity of the mixer room, which is the area where the paint is mixed and prepared for use, will impact the production rate of the factory. If the mixer room is small or has limited equipment, it may be able to produce less paint than a larger or more well-equipped mixer room. 
  • Efficiency of the production process: The efficiency of the production process, including the speed and accuracy of the mixing equipment and the efficiency of the material handling and storage systems, will also impact the production rate of the factory. 
  • Availability of raw materials and other resources: The availability of raw materials, such as pigments and solvents, and other resources, such as labor and energy, will also impact the production rate of the factory. If these resources are in short supply or not being used efficiently, it may limit the factory’s production capabilities.
  • Quality control: It is important to ensure that the paint being produced meets the required quality standards. This may involve performing regular quality control checks to ensure that the paint is properly mixed and meets all necessary specifications. This can impact the production rate of the factory, as time must be set aside for these checks and any necessary adjustments to the production process.
  • Production schedule: The production schedule of the paint shop factory will also impact the production rate. If the factory is operating at full capacity, with all of its equipment and resources being used to the maximum extent possible, it will be able to produce more paint than if it is operating at a lower capacity. 
  • Customization: Some paint shop factories may offer customized paint products, which may require additional time and resources to produce. This can impact the overall production rate of the factory, as customized products may take longer to produce than standard products. 
  • Automation: The use of automated systems and equipment can help improve the efficiency and speed of the production process, increasing the production rate of the factory. 

Overall, the production rate of a paint shop factory will depend on a variety of factors, and it can be influenced by changes in the factory’s equipment, processes, and resources. By carefully managing these factors, it may be possible to increase the production rate and improve the efficiency of the factory.

At OTSON Technologies Corp, we specialize in the manufacturing of iOTSON paint shop technologies, which includes the design and production of spray booths for electrostatic spray systems. Our spray booths are designed to provide a controlled environment for the efficient and effective application of paint or other coating materials, while also ensuring compliance with ATEX regulations and safety standards.

Our key features include:

  • Large capacity mixer room equipped with state-of-the-art mixing equipment
  • Advanced material handling and storage systems, as well as automated systems and equipment
  • Access to a steady supply of pigments and solvents, as well as enough labor and energy
  • Regular quality control checks to ensure paint meets necessary specifications and standards
  • Flexible production schedule to meet the specific needs of our customers
  • Customized paint products and solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients
  • ATEX compliant equipment to ensure safe operation in hazardous environments
  • Fire detection sensors for early warning of potential hazards
  • Emergency stop button for immediate shutdown in case of emergency

Our mixer rooms are designed to handle high volumes of paint production and ensure a consistent, high-quality output. We use advanced material handling and storage systems, as well as automated systems and equipment, to keep the production process moving smoothly and quickly. This helps to minimize downtime and increase overall production rate.

We also prioritize the availability of raw materials and other resources. This includes ensuring that our factories have access to a steady supply of pigments and solvents, as well as enough labor and energy to keep the production process running smoothly.

Quality control is also a key consideration for us. We have a team of experts that perform regular quality control checks to ensure that the paint produced meets all necessary specifications and standards.

Our production schedule is flexible and can be adjusted to meet the specific needs of our customers. This allows us to keep the factory running


At OTSON, we are committed to making a difference in the world as a professional paint shop manufacturer and provider of electrostatic spray equipment under the brand name iOTSON. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and water shortages are two major environmental challenges that threaten our planet’s well-being.


  • CO2 emissions from industrial processes, such as painting, contribute to climate change and global warming.
  • As a manufacturer, OTSONis committed to reducing our CO2 emissions through the use of energy-efficient equipment and processes, like our iOTSON paint shop technologies that are based on Industry 5.0 principles.
  • Industry 5.0 focuses on creating a more human-centered and sustainable manufacturing environment.
  • Our iOTSON paint shop technologies are based on advanced technologies and practices that improve efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance the quality of the coating process, such as robotics, AI, machine learning and IoT-enabled equipment and systems.
  • Water shortages can occur due to overuse, pollution, or degradation of water sources and can lead to agricultural and economic impacts, as well as health risks due to a lack of access to clean drinking water.
  • Our iOTSON electrostatic spray equipment uses less water compared to traditional painting methods, thus reducing the overall water consumption in the industrial painting process.
  • We are committed to using water efficiently and protecting water sources to ensure a sustainable future for all.


  • As a professional paint shop manufacturer, OTSON, under the brand name iOTSON, is committed to reducing our impact on the environment by reducing CO2 emissions and using water efficiently through our Industry 5.0 based paint shop technologies.
  • By choosing our iOTSON equipment, our customers can also reduce their impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future.

We believe that by working together, we can raise awareness and take action towards creating a sustainable future for all.

Effective Pollution Control Solutions for Factory Auto Paint Shops

To manage and reduce pollution in an auto paint shop, an all-encompassing approach is required that involves process management, equipment selection, staff training, and regulatory compliance. Here are key strategies and specialized environmental protection equipment to achieve effective pollution control:

  1. Substitution of Raw Materials: The first step in pollution control is to minimize the use of hazardous substances. Use waterborne paints instead of solvent-based paints to significantly reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. Also, opt for low-VOC solvents for cleaning and maintenance when needed.
  2. Efficient Application Techniques: Implement techniques that increase efficiency and minimize waste. Use High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) spray guns, electrostatic spray painting, and powder coating to reduce overspray and increase transfer efficiency.
  3. Ventilation and Air Control: Equip the factory with an exhaust ventilation system complemented by High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters to effectively remove particles and contaminants.
  4. Waste Heat Recovery: Install an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system to recover waste heat generated by processes like paint curing. This system converts the waste heat into electricity, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing overall operational costs.
  5. Air Emissions Control Equipment: For efficient air emission control, a combination of equipment is required. Air Scrubbers remove particulates and gases, Catalytic Oxidizers and Thermal Oxidizers convert harmful VOCs into harmless substances, while Electrostatic Precipitators capture particles by charging and attracting them to a collector plate.
  6. Advanced Emission Control: Implement a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) and a Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer (RCO) for effective treatment of air emissions. RTOs and RCOs use heat exchangers to recover and reuse heat, maximizing energy efficiency while reducing VOCs and other harmful pollutants.
  7. Fume and Overspray Management: Use Fume Extraction Systems and specialized Paint Booth Filters to manage paint overspray and reduce VOC release.
  8. Solvent and Waste Management: Incorporate Solvent Recyclers to reclaim and purify used solvents from the paint process, reducing the demand for fresh solvent and minimizing waste solvent disposal. Ensure all waste is managed following local regulations.
  9. Regular Maintenance and Cleanup: Perform regular maintenance and cleaning of painting equipment using non-hazardous or less hazardous materials for efficiency and minimized waste.
  10. Employee Training and Compliance: Provide regular training on best practices for waste reduction and emission minimization. Ensure compliance with all local and national environmental regulations, which may involve emissions monitoring, records maintenance, and regular reporting.
  11. Continuous Improvement: Implement a continuous improvement program to identify potential emission reductions, efficiency gains, and cost savings.

By adopting this integrated approach, auto paint shops can effectively manage and reduce pollution, improve operational efficiency, and achieve regulatory compliance. It is crucial to consult with an environmental engineer or a similar expert when selecting and implementing these solutions to ensure they are suitable for the specific circumstances and regulatory environment of each factory. This plan promises a safer and cleaner environment while optimizing operations for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Smart Paint Shop

A smart factory for a paint shop is a manufacturing facility that uses advanced technologies, such as sensors, data analytics, and automation, to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase productivity. A smart factory for a paint shop may use a variety of technologies, including:

  • Robotics: Robotics can be used to automate tasks that are repetitive or physically demanding, such as mixing paints or moving parts through the coating process.
  • Sensors: Sensors can be used to monitor various aspects of the coating process, such as temperature, humidity, and the thickness of the coating material. This can help to ensure that the process is consistent and that the finished product meets quality standards.
  • Data analytics: Data analytics can be used to analyze large amounts of data generated by the coating process, such as production rates and material usage. This can help to identify trends and patterns, which can be used to optimize the process and improve efficiency.
  • Automation: Automation can be used to control various aspects of the coating process, such as the flow rate of the coating material, the temperature of the drying ovens, and the movement of parts through the facility.
  • Virtual and augmented reality: Virtual and augmented reality can be used to train employees and visualize the coating process, allowing for improved understanding and visualization of the process.
  • Increased efficiency: Smart factories use advanced technologies, such as robotics, sensors, and automation, to improve efficiency and reduce waste. For example, robots can be used to automate tasks that are repetitive or physically demanding, such as mixing paints or moving parts through the coating process. This can help to reduce the need for manual labor and improve efficiency. Sensors and data analytics can be used to monitor and optimize the coating process, which can help to identify and eliminate bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Automation can be used to control various aspects of the coating process, such as the flow rate of the coating material, the temperature of the drying ovens, and the movement of parts through the facility. This can help to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Improved quality: Smart factories use sensors and data analytics to monitor and control the coating process, which can help to ensure that the finished product meets quality standards. For example, sensors can be used to monitor the temperature, humidity, and thickness of the coating material, which can help to ensure that the process is consistent and that the finished product meets quality standards. Data analytics can be used to analyze large amounts of data generated by the coating process, such as production rates and material usage. This can help to identify trends and patterns, which can be used to optimize the process and improve quality.
  • Greater flexibility: Smart factories can be easily reconfigured to accommodate changes in demand or to produce new products, which can help to increase agility and reduce the time it takes to bring new products to market. For example, a smart factory may use modular equipment that can be easily reconfigured to produce different products, or it may use automation and robotics to quickly switch between different production lines.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Smart factories often use advanced communication technologies, such as the internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing, which can facilitate collaboration and improve communication between different departments and stakeholders.
Electrostatic Spray Technologies

An electrostatic spray coating system is a type of equipment that uses electrostatic technology to apply a coating material to a surface. This process involves the use of electrical charges to attract the coating material to the surface, allowing for a more even and consistent application. Electrostatic spray coating is often used in manufacturing and industrial settings, as well as in automotive and aerospace industries, for the application of coatings such as paint, plastics, and adhesives. It can be used to coat a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, and composites.

There are many benefits to using electrostatic spray equipment in paint shops, here are a few key advantages:

  1. Increased efficiency: Electrostatic spraying allows for a more efficient use of paint, as the electrostatic charge attracts the paint particles to the surface being coated, reducing overspray and waste. This can lead to significant cost savings over time.
  2. Improved coating quality: Electrostatic spray equipment allows for a more even and consistent coating, resulting in a higher-quality finish. This can lead to improved product durability and a longer lifespan for the coated item.
  3. Greater flexibility: Electrostatic spray equipment can be used for a wide range of coating applications, including large and irregularly shaped objects, making it a versatile solution for many different industries.
  4. Increased safety: Electrostatic spraying reduces the amount of overspray and allows for a safer working environment by eliminating the need for excessive amounts of paint in the air.
  5. Reduced downtime: Electrostatic spray equipment is easy to clean and maintain, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.
  6. ROI-friendly: Electrostatic spray equipment has a relatively low initial investment cost and is known to have a relatively short payback period. The benefits of cost-saving, improved coating quality and increased safety, ultimately lead to a positive return on investment (ROI).
  7. Energy-efficient: Electrostatic spray equipment typically uses less energy than traditional spray equipment, leading to cost savings and a reduced environmental impact.
  8. High-quality finish: Electrostatic spraying helps to achieve a high-quality finish and a uniform coat thickness, which can lead to improved product durability and a longer lifespan for the coated item.
  9. Cost-effective: Electrostatic spraying reduces the amount of paint used, reduces overspray and improve the coating quality, which ultimately results in cost savings.
  10. Environmental-friendly: Electrostatic spray equipment results in reduced emissions, leading to a smaller environmental footprint.

Overall, electrostatic spray equipment can provide a wide range of benefits for paint shops, from increased efficiency and improved coating quality to greater flexibility and increased safety. With its relatively low initial investment cost and short payback period, it can be a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solution that can improve the ROI of your paint shop operations.

OTSON is a professional manufacturer of paint shop equipment, specializing in the latest IoTSON paint shop technologies. Our equipment includes the OTS-5000 Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System, OTS-7000 Auto Electrostatic Spray Gun and Bell-Robot Arms, OTS-8000 Auto Electrostatic Spray Gun system, and OTS-9000 Auto Electrostatic Spray Bell System. All of our equipment are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and safety, and are built to withstand the rigors of industrial use.

Our equipment features:

  • PLC control system for precise and easy operation
  • Automatic material recycling system for efficient use of resources and paint savings
  • Adjustable electrostatic current and voltage for precise coating
  • High-efficiency filter system for clean operation
  • High precision control for consistent and accurate coating results
  • Multiple speed and distance settings for the reciprocator for added versatility
  • Paint flow control feature by special gear pump to ensure accurate and consistent paint application
  • Industry 5.0 compliant features such as IoT connectivity, real-time monitoring, and predictive maintenance
  • Easy maintenance design with clear access to all parts and components, as well as user-friendly interface for troubleshooting
  • Dual Coating capability for both Solvent and Waterborne Paint
  • Improved Coating Quality through precise application and high transfer efficiency
  • Reduced Air and Water Pollutions through the use of low VOC emissions and efficient material recycling
  • High Atomized Bell Cup, Spray Disk and Nozzles for consistent and efficient coating
  • Easy Handle for Long Term Operation and Low Failure Rate for ease of maintenance

In addition, all of our equipment are ATEX compliant and equipped with fire detection sensors and emergency stop button for safe operation. We have a team of experts who can provide guidance and support throughout the entire process, from design and installation to maintenance and repair. We also offer customized solutions to meet the specific

OTSON Auto Electrostatic Bell Coating Process step -IOTSON Paint Shop Technologies
OTSON Electrostatic Bell Coating Process- IOTSON Paint Shop Technologies
OTSON Electrostatic Auto Gun Coating Process IOTSON Paint Shop Technologies
  1. Automotive: cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, and other vehicles.

  2. Aerospace: airplanes, helicopters, satellites, and other aircraft.

  3. Manufacturing: industrial equipment such as machinery, conveyor systems, tanks, and other metal structures.

  4. Marine: ships, boats, yachts, and other watercraft.

  5. Furniture: chairs, tables, cabinets, and other furniture pieces.

  6. Medical: medical equipment such as MRI machines, X-ray machines, and surgical instruments.

  7. Appliance: household appliances such as refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, and other large appliances.

  8. Agricultural: farm equipment and machineries, such as tractors, plows, and harvesters.

  9. Construction: buildings, bridges, and other structures such as towers and cranes.

  10. Electrical: electrical equipment and devices such as transformers, switchgear, and other high voltage equipment.

  11. Sporting Goods: bicycles, exercise equipment, and other sports-related items.

  12. Signage: signs, billboards, and other forms of advertising.

  13. Retail: store fixtures, displays, and other items found in retail settings.

  14. Food & Beverage: food processing and packaging equipment, beverage dispensing equipment, and other items found in food and beverage manufacturing facilities.

  15. Small parts: gears, bolts, and other small metal components.

  16. Bicycle: frames, forks, and other components of bikes.

  17. Computer housing: exterior of computer towers, monitors, and other electronic devices.

  18. Stationeries: pens, pencils, and other writing instruments.

  19. Wooden furniture: wooden chairs, tables, and other pieces of furniture.

  20. Hardware: locks, knobs, and other hardware items.

  21. Lockers: exterior of metal lockers.

  22. Freezers: exterior of commercial freezers and refrigeration units.

  23. Iron railing: exterior of iron railings, fences, and other metal structures.

  24. Major Appliances: washing machines, dryers, and other large household appliances.

  25. Office equipment: printers, copiers, and other office machines.

  26. Desks: exterior of desks and other office furniture.

  27. Files: exterior of metal file cabinets and storage units.

  28. Office partitions: exterior of office partitions and dividers.

  29. Medical Equipment: surgical instruments, x-ray machines, and other medical devices.

  30. Metal doors: exterior of metal doors, including commercial and industrial doors.

  31. Car accessories: mirrors, spoilers, and other aftermarket car parts.

  32. Teflon pots: exterior of Teflon-coated pots and pans.

  33. Musical instruments: guitars, pianos, and other musical instruments.

  34. Environmental equipment: air purifiers, water filtration systems, Water Tanks, and other environmental equipment.

  35. Plastic products: plastic toys, bottles, and other plastic products.

  36. Metal products: metal signs, metal sculptures, and other metal products.

  37. Glass products: glass bottles, windows, and other glass products.

  38. Military:

  39. Wind Power :

Contact us

We look forward to working with you to enhance the performance of your paint shop and help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and also the latest addition iOTSON Paint Shop Technologies.